擇善坊提供企業捐贈者專業和創新的計劃, 特別針對慈善和社會回饋的目標。各企業可以利用擇善坊的平台來跟客戶和員工聯繫,一起在有自主空間的環境下達成共同的目標。
★★★★★This wonderful idea does not only align with our organisation’s social responsibility strategy, it is also an effective way to engage our customers to support local
community and vulnerable groups香港會議展覽中心(管理)有限公司![]()
★★★★★In lieu of Christmas hampers, we gifted our clients with a much more meaningful present– a donation to one of three CLSA Chairman’s Trust supported charities.CLSA![]()
★★★★★Charitable Choice made the set up andprocess extremely easy and having our landing site was fantastic.漢基國際學校![]()
★★★★★Our experience with Charitable Choice throughout the years has been excellent, everything is so quick and easy. Happy
10th Anniversary!PricewaterhouseCoopers![]()
★★★★★Charitable Choice and its charity
partners do so much for our community and we are pleased to acknowledge and support the good work that they do.仲量聯行![]()
★★★★★This campaign very much fits into
our ethos of ‘giving back from the heart’ and we thank Charitable Choice for facilitating this opportunity.TREE![]()
贈予及送禮從此不再沉悶 -直接於我們的網站捐贈到我們的慈善團體合作伙伴,或為你生命中特別的那位購 買一張慈善禮物卡,慶祝特別的日子之餘亦可幫助別人
如果你是大量購買,你可選擇自己設計卡面,自訂金額,並列印出實體禮物卡。慈善禮物卡非常適合用作婚禮 的回禮,聖誕卡,及新年利是。
★★★★★The platform is very friendly to use with a wide range of reputable and reliable choices of charity organisations.
★★★★★Thanks for the great gift idea and impact you're making!!
★★★★★A Fantastic idea, making it easy to donate to multiple charities. I did it for my 40th birthday.
★★★★★We are very thankful for Charitable Choice and we wish more people can find out about this charity giving platform and share the love.
★★★★★Donating to multiple charities in a single transaction has never been easier!
★★★★★It was a really thoughtful gift and I was happy to be able to select a charity I have wanted to support for many years: Harmony House.
★★★★★Charitable choice was a lovely gift to get. It meant instead of having another gift I didn't need, I had the chance to give back to the community.
擇善坊促進和幫助了香港 60 多間慈善團體籌集捐款。全部款項也全數 100% 轉付給各個慈善團體。捐款送贈變得輕鬆容易。
On behalf of every young person we support in Hong Kong, we would like to express our gratitude to Charitable Choice and all donors for the generous gifts over the past years. Your every dollar matters and helps make our youth empowerment work possible.KELY Support Group
Charitable Choice provides a sustainable and convenient platform for helping us raise funds from individual donators. The platform is also a great way to promote YAF's mission as well as upcoming activities online.Hong Kong Youth Arts Foundation
PathFinders' partnership with Charitable Choice has helped to increase visibility and support for our work. Without the generosity of our donors we simply couldn't deliver our services to support some of Hong Kong's most vulnerable children and their Foreign Domestic Worker mothers.PathFinders
Charitable Choice not only is a user-friendly online fundraising platform for donors but also a very good channel for promoting social services. All of this excellence comes at a very quick click. It is a pleasure to work with Charitable Choice!St. James' Settlement
With the support of Charitable Choice, the Home is able to solicit more donation support for the service development of the Home.S.K.H. St. Christopher's Home Limited
Donations from Charitable Choice support Kids4Kids to ignite the power of young people to develop social responsibility, take positive action and inspire other young people to make the world a better place. We can only reach this goal with supporters like Charitable Choice.Kids4Kids
The donations we receive from Charitable Choice support our dolphin research, education and public awareness programmes on the importance to conserve our local cetaceans and their living habitats.Hong Kong Dolphin Conservation Society